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PLC BLOG | what is siemens timer

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Basic Of Siemens PLC TIMER

S_PULSE Pulse S5 Timer

S_PULSE timer runs as long as the signal state at input S is set to "1", the longest period, however, is the time value specified by input TV. The signal state at output Q is "1" as long as the timer is running. If input S change from "1" to "0" before the time interval has elapsed the timer will be stopped. In this case the signal state at output Q is "0". (BI, BCD and Q) are also set to zero. while timer not running and reset value is set to 1 so there is no effect. The time value at BI is binary coded, at BCD it is BCD coded. The current time value is the initial TV value minus the time elapsed since the timer was started.

I0.0 is input of timer, S5T#30s is preset value of timer (TV), I0.1 is reset timer input, MW0 and MW4 is(BI and BCD)output, Q0.0 is output. T0 Timer identification number; range depends on CPU.

S_PEXT Extended Pulse S5 Timer

The timer runs for the preset time interval specified at input TV even if the signal state at the S input changes to "0" before the time interval has elapsed. The signal state at output Q is "1" as long as the timer is running. The timer will be restarted ("re-triggered") with the preset time value if the signal state at input S changes from "0" to "1" while the timer is running.

I0.0 is input of timer, S5T#30s is preset value of timer (TV), I0.1 is reset timer input, MW0 and MW4 is(BI and BCD)output, Q0.0 is output. T0 Timer identification number; range depends on CPU.

S_ODT On-Delay Timer

S_ODT (On-Delay Timer) starts for specified timer value(PRESET VALUE TV) if input (S) is set to 1.The timer runs for the time interval specified at input Preset Value (TV) as long as the signal state at input S is 1.The signal state at output Q is "0" when the timer Running.when timer elapased it's Presret value signal state of outout Q is . The timer is reset if the reset (R) input changes from "0" to "1" while the timer is running.The signal state at output Q is then "0".

notes some point about this timer
  • While timer running and input state of S is set to 0 , timer running continuously. and if Input (S) is set to again 1 timer start from staring.
  • outout Q is set to 1 after timer elepsed preset value.

  • S_ODTS Retentive On-Delay Timer

    S_ODTS (Retentive On-Delay S5 Timer) starts the specified timer if input (S) is set to 1. The timer runs for the time interval specified at input(Preset Value) TV even if the signal state at input S changes to "0" before the time interval has elapsed. The signal state at output Q is "1" when the timer has elapsed without regard to the signal state at input S. The timer will be restarted (re-triggered) with the specified time if the signal state at input S changes from "0" to "1" while the timer is running. The timer is reset if the reset (R) input changes from "0" to "1" without regard to the S input. The signal state at output Q is then "0". notes some point about this timer
    • While timer running and input state of S is set to 0 , timer running continuously. and if Input (S) is set to again 1 timer start from staring.
    • outout Q is set to 1 after timer elepsed preset value.
    • The timer is not restarted without reset timer by changing reset input from 0 to 1 and input S set to 0 to 1.

    S_OFFDT Off-Delay Timer

    S_OFFDT (Off-Delay Timer) starts the specified timer if there is a negative edge at the start (S) input. The signal state at output Q is "1" if the signal state at the S input is "1" or while the timer is running. The timer is reset when the signal state at input S goes from "0" to "1" while the timer is running. The timer is not restarted until the signal state at input S changes again from "1" to "0".The timer is reset when the reset (R) input changes from "0" to "1" while the timer is running.
    • timer start when input (S) is set to 0.
    • while timer running output Q is 0.
    • when timer elapsed its timer value output is set 0.

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